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Both an ominous and imperceptible hyperobject of today’s stark reality, The Estroworld is a fictional corporate conglomerate of petrochemical, agricultural, and pharmaceutical industries whose products and molecular residues are simply inescapable. Many of these lifestyle products cater to our consumerist materialist culture - founded on the ideas of beauty, sterility, plasticity, and purity - promising to either shield or distract us from our current state of planetary ruin. Obscured to us through their invisible size, and also by the conglomerates who lay havoc on the earth to sell us these products, these micro-polluting chemicals are part of today’s stark reality of living in toxic worlds.
Estroworld Now is an interactive website where users are bombarded by a ton of flashing popups that show products sold and represented by the fictional Estroworld industry. Like the all-pervasive nature of toxic molecules, the popups feel simply inescapable - even when users move the popups aside or try to close them, more appear within seconds. Estroworld Now was commissioned for the online exhibition Art’s Work in the Age of Biotechnology curated by Hannah Rogers with technical support from Jeff Klein.
Estroworld Now: The Quarantine Edition invites users to navigate 3D model renderings of the interior of an actual suburban home in the North-West of England. In The Quarantine Edition, visitors are confronted with an overpopulation of Estroworld products, pop ups, and derivative company slogans. Are we all already living in The Estroworld? How political is your shampoo? The Quarantine Edition was commissioned for the online exhibition Toxicity’s Reach curated by Dani Admiss for the 2021 Abandon Normal Devices festival, with technical support from Alex Futtersak and Tim Murray-Browne.